sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

This one is in english

I’m writing this new post in English so more people can read me and at the same time y can practice my English writing skills... not only for my school (that I need it) but also because i have some friends that don’t like chatting with me if i commit mistakes (like Silvia) hahaha...
Well school is awesome, I really like it, I have many interesting classes like “communication, culture and society” “television studio”, “introduction to communication: theories and models”, Interesting classes but with teachers I really don’t like, like “introduction to propaganda” and “introduction to new media” and classes where I have a lot of fun like “English for communication”.
This Monday I'm going to direct my first scene in television studio!! With my assistant director Nino and my producer Lior, I'm so excited! I have been looking forward for this moment since class started one month ago. It’s just a scene but it’s a lot of work believe me. Now when I watch TV or movies I see it in a whole different way…
Last week I went with my uncle and aunt Sam and Gigi and my cousin Alberto to Kikar Rabin, to the commemoration of his assassination 14 years ago. It was a very emotive ceremony, the most important politicians of Israel where there, and also a lot of famous singers… the streets where crowded of people, it was crazy. I like all the songs and everything about the ceremony, but I didn’t understand the speeches in Hebrew so it was a bit boring, the only thing I understand was Obama’s message, because it was in English hahaha.
Tomorrow I have a trip called “other means of communication” and it consists on seeing how blind and deaf people live their day to day, I'm looking forward to it, it seems really interesting.
I have been in Israel already for 2 months and a half, next week I'm going to Miami to my cousins weeding and I'm really excited because I'm seeing my family, I miss them. I also miss a lot my friends in Madrid, my team of the maccabiah, my school friends… And during the summer I made friends in fb with some Finnish girls and now suddenly they are all weird with me, I really don’t understand why but I hope is only temporary because I really liked talking with them…
Well that’s all from here, please comment on the post and keep reading me!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Moi es tu segundo post q leo!jeje (Avisa cuando actualices, así me voy poniendo al día...!)
    Me alegro muchisimo de q te vaya todo bien! Disfruta de Eretz Israel!!!!!!!!!!
    A ver si vienes a Madrid a visitarnos!
    Un besito fuertee!
    Myriam Benolol :)
